U ovoj epizodi zaranjamo u bogatu kulturu kafe u Srbiji! Otkrijte popularne idiome i izraze vezane za kafu koji obogaćuju svakodnevne razgovore. Takođe ćemo istražiti jedinstvene nazive i tradicije različitih rituala ispijanja kafe u srpskoj kulturi, od jutarnje kafe do sikterushe. Ova epizoda je savršena za ljubitelje jezika i kafe, pružajući ukusni način da proširite svoj rečnik i kulturno znanje.
Maki i Nikola
#mozekafapodcast #learnserbian #ucisrpski #serbianlanguage #serbian #coffee #serbiancoffee #podcast In this episode, let’s learn more about
Serbian coffee culture!
Discover popular coffee-related idioms and expressions that bring everyday conversations to life. We’ll also explore the unique names and traditions behind different coffee routines in Serbian culture, from morning cups to ‘time to leave’ coffee. Perfect for language learners and coffee enthusiasts alike, this episode offers a flavorful way to expand your vocabulary and cultural knowledge.
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Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mozekafapodcast
Nikola’s Page:Youtube: www.youtube.com/@SLNetwork01
Instagram: instagram.com/learn__serbian
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4ghpdjpodIGNhEmKy2Dc7Z?si=173f8520d0ed4478
To support us:https://buymeacoffee.com/mozekafapodcast