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Danas pravimo prvi Special Ibex, ove epizode ćemo s vremena na vreme raditi kada se ukaže prilika. U tim specijalima ćemo imati posebne Ibex-e, ljude koje retko gde možete čuti a koji imaju štošta da kažu i o biranju karijere, razvoju profesije a i o struci u kojoj rade. 
Prvi specijal radimo sa Corey Amos-om, mojim prijateljem iz USA, koga sam upoznao u Queens’ College na Kembridžu koji smo obojica pohađali. Pričali smo o tome kako zapravo izgleda odrastati i obrazovati se u Americi, koje su to najvažnije lekcije koje je pokupio iz života u Kini, Engleskoj, putovanja po Americi, kao i jednoj posebnoj temi – sajber bezbednosti. Dok nisam počeo da radim u IT industriji nisam ni znao sta podrazumeva ova oblast. Velikom brzinom se razvija i uključuje i u tradicionalne industrije, koje mozda ne vidimo kao IT. Sada je ta tema jako aktuelna i gotovo svake nedelje imamo u poslovnim vestima neki događaj koji pokazuje nedostatke u sajber bezbednosti. U ovom razgovoru ćete čuti sta se podrazumeva pod pojmom sajber bezbednosti, kako raditi u njoj ali i o perspektivi razvoja informacionih tehnologija.  
Razgovor je vođen na engleskom jeziku i usled njegovog kratkog boravka u Srbiji, snimljen je samo u audio formatu.  
Ibexovci, vreme je da čujemo kako se ovaj Ibex penje na vrh. Pažljivo slušajte!  
Today we are making a first Special, these episodes we will make from time to time when such an opportunity arises. In Special Ibex we will have people you can rarely hear speak in public but who have much to say about choosing a career, career development, and their area of expertise.   
First Special Ibex presents us with Corey Amos, my friend from the USA, who I have met at Queens’ College at Cambridge, UK, which both of us have attended. We talked about how it really looks like to grow up in the States, their educational system, the most important lessons he picked up from living in China, England, traveling around the States, and one special topic – cybersecurity. 
Until I began working in the IT industry, I didn’t know the first thing about this area. But it develops rapidly and involves even some more traditional industries, which the general public might not perceive as part of the IT industry. The topic of cybersecurity is very much in focus now since we can almost on a weekly basis in business news see some data breaches, news about hacking, or some deficiencies in the cybersecurity of companies and even governments. You will hear what is cybersecurity, how it looks like to work in it, how to start, and the perspective of future development of technology.   
Ibexes, it is time to hear how this Ibex is climbing to the top. Listen attentively!   
Prijatelj podkasta: No Limit Hub  
No Limit Hub je community organizacija u Nišu koja podstiče razvoj preduzetništva i startapa, podržava IT zajednicu na jugu Srbije, kao i mlade ljude sa vizijom i inicijativom ka promenama i aktivizmu.    
00:00:00 – Uvod (Intro)
00:02:48 – Experience of Serbia
00:04:32 – Breaking the narrative about Serbia
00:06:36 – The story of Niš, Serbia
00:07:29 – Growing up in the North-East of the US
00:21:15 – Education system in the US
00:32:16 – Shift in perspective after studying abroad
00:34:26 – Career advisory 
00:41:43 – Choosing a career
00:43:14 – Take a year off (gap year)
00:45:41 – American in China
00:48:35 – Small mischiefs
00:51:55 – Across the pond
00:58:56 – Queens’ College, Cambridge, UK
01:09:54 – What is cybersecurity?
01:11:52 – Working as a cybersecurity consultant
01:16:41 – How to start working in cybersecurity
01:20:26 – The future and impact of technology development
01:27:18 – Country roads through the US
01:40:37 – One person to have a drink with…
01:42:13 – What would you like to have known at 18? 
01:43:54 – Internship in Congress 
01:46:57 – Last little bit of advice 
01:49:43 – O