U specijalnoj epizodi podkasta “Razgovori o roditeljstvu” Jelena Đoković, globalna direktorka Novak Đoković Fondacije, razgovarala je sa dr Gaborom Mateom o aspektima traume, definisanju i prepoznavanju iste, kao i načinima na koje reagujemo kada se susretnemo sa traumom. Posvećena je posebna pažnja uticaju traume na rani razvoj dece i na koji način trauma može da oblikuje njihovu budućnost. Serijal “Razgovori o roditeljstvu” osmišljen je kao niz otvorenih razgovora između Jelene Đoković, suosnivačice i globalne direktorke Novak Đoković Fondacije i Smiljane Grujić, psihološkinje, psihoterapeutkinje, programske menadžerke i autorke programa “Podrška, NE perfekcija” koji pruža podršku roditeljima u periodu ranog razvoja dece. U ovoj epizodi podkasta specijalan gost je dr Gabor Mate.
In a special episode of the „Conversations about parenting“ podcast,Jelena Djokovic, global CEO of the Novak Djokovic Foundation, spoke with Dr Gabor Mate about the aspects of trauma, its definition and understanding, as well as how people react when they encounter trauma. Special attention was dedicated to the impact of trauma on the early development of children and how trauma can shape their future. The series „Conversations about parenthood“ is designed as a series of open conversations between Jelena Djokovic, co-founder, and global director of the Novak Djokovic Foundation, and Smiljana Grujic, psychologist, psychotherapist, program manager and author of the „Support, not perfection“ program, which provides support to parents in the period of early children development. In this podcast episode, the special guest is Dr Gabor Mate.