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The episode first offers a brief look at how the past efforts of women theoretically, and in a politically engaging way, confronted discrimination in access to education. However, the emphasis in this episode is on contemporary, but still traditional prejudices and exclusionary practices concerning the education of girls and young women.

Education is one of the keywords of the IDEAS project. This episode not only reiterates the mere fact that women – and any group that is discriminated against – have been denied education, but also explains what education today should be about. Therefore, although formally, the right to education is achieved in many – albeit to date, not all political communities – it is not effective in achieving anti-discrimination. Education needs to change from within.

The exclusionary teaching practices are exemplified in how the issues of the body and sexuality are addressed in the classroom, and also in how two different, but key disciplines – mathematics and history – are taught today. Neglecting to support girls and women in learning is presented through illustrative and compelling arguments of the most enticing contemporary feminist theorists and activists in pedagogy.

The text of the podcast is written and read by Nadja Duhaček

For further reading:

bell hooks, Teaching to Transgress Routledge, New York, 1994.

Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 1988/1975.

Lydia Sklevicky, More Horses Than Women: On the Difficulties of Founding Women’s History in Yugoslavia in Gender & History, 1989, Vol 1/Issue 1