Ep 244
Ovo nije jednostavan propust, nego greška u dizajnu i implementaciji koja je mogla da dovede u opasnost milione.
Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate
Google must crack open Android for third-party stores, rules Epic judge
Perfect example of how Apple and Google not opening up app distribution years ago will ultimately cost them much more now.
Panic: End of the Road for Google Drive in Transmit
Jared Henderson: Kindle has a big problem, so I’m leaving it behind.
CPAP Reviews — New Apple Watch Sleep Apnea Setup Guide & Tutorial
Older iPhones do not support the new touchpad and adjustment settings for Photographic Styles, but if you take an image on an iPhone 16 and then edit it on an older phone, you can see the touchpad to make further adjustments.
Customizing Your iPhone 16 Images With Photographic Styles
Cleaning the Speaker Grille Holes on a MacBook Pro or MacBook Air
one of those vox pop tiktokers asked a person on the street what they do for a living and one person replied “senior project manager at IBM” and… “What is IBM”
Alek pomenuo spravicu za razbijanje stakla u kolima.
Snimano 12.10.2024.
Uvodna muzika by Vladimir Tošić, stari sajt je ovde.
Logotip by Aleksandra Ilić.
Artwork epizode by Saša Montiljo, njegov kutak na Devianartu