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In the new episode of the Lighthouse podcast, Srđan
Cvijić hosted Zoran Kesić, author and host of the show “24 Minutes with Zoran Kesić”, a satirical show that deals with daily political topics in Serbia and the region.

Zoran Kesić discussed the recently held elections in
Serbia, the role of political satire in society, the state of democracy in Serbia, and generally the world we live in.


U novoj epizodi podkasta Svetionik, Srđan Cvijić ugostio
je Zorana Kesića, autora i voditelja emisije „24 minuta sa Zoranom Kesićem“, satirične emisije koja se bavi dnevnopolitičkim temama u Srbiji i regionu. 

Zoran Kesić je razgovarao o nedavno održanim izborima u
Srbiji, ulozi političke satire u društvu, stanju demokratije u Srbiji i uopšte o svetu u kojem živimo.